Development class 11 Book 2(Political Theory)


Development is the progress of country by keeping in mind the good of the society, their rights and going on with it in democratic manner.

For development plans going through debating, disagreement and then plan is finalize. 

Development Plan considers the good of society, rights of people, and proceed more democratically.

Broader sense of development relates to the idea of improvement, progress, well-being and aspirations of a better society.

It sees the society as a whole working in the best ways to achieve it.

Narrow Sense of development relates to pre-set limited goals of increasing rate of economic growth or modernizing society.

In this approach some sections of the society are benefitting at the cost of loss to many.

Development needs to address concerns like:

1. Rights of people being addressed

2. Benefits and burdens of development to be justly distributed

3. Democratic decision on developmental activities

Development is a subject of considerable controversy with different approaches and alternative models followed by countries.


However, many people accept growth and development to be the same, but there is a remarkable difference between the two.

Growth includes measures of economic performance in terms of value of income, expenditure and output, seen in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, measures of economic growth can give distorted pictures of the level of income in a country because a small proportion of the population can own a large amount of the wealth in a country whereas the rest live with bear minimum levels of income and resources.

Economic growth refers to just one aspect of the development.

Development, on the other hand, refers to securing of socio-economic and political growth by changing the conditions of underdevelopment through organised and planned efforts which seek to address the issue of poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy and economic and industrial underdevelopment.

When we try to understand the broader meaning of development then it can be linked with holistic welfare of humans in society which includes freedom, leading a healthy and productive life and participation in decision making process. 


Second half of 20th Century saw development gain importance after Political Independence of countries in Asia and Africa.

These countries were impoverished reflected in the living standards of people, their education, health and other facilities.

In comparison to rich countries of Western Europe and USA these have been described as ‘Underdeveloped’ or ‘Developing’ 

1950s, 1960s saw Independence of countries in Asia and Africa from long Colonial rule.

Colonization led to exploitation of resources in these countries leaving them backward.

Post-Independence these countries faced the problems of Poverty, Malnourishment, Unemployment, Illiteracy and lack of basic amenities.

In initial focus on development of these countries was based on catching up with west in terms of economic growth and modernization of societies.

In order to initiate such economic and social change they relied on financial help in from of loans and aid from developed countries.

In order to initiate such economic and social change they relied on financial help in from of loans and aid from developed countries.

India’s development in 1950s was under series of Five-Year Plans dealing with mega projects, improving agricultural techniques etc.

It was hoped that this multi-pronged strategy would increase the wealth of country to bring prosperity which would gradually trickle down to the poorest section of society and help reduce inequality.

Latest discoveries in Science were being adopted, New Educational Institutions like IIT.

It was believed that this will take society on paths of modernization and ultimately on path of growth.

However, model of development adopted by India and various other countries have come under heavy criticism.

Criticism of Development Model

Financial cost of development is very high for developing countries leaving many parts of Asia and Africa under heavy debts.

Gains of growth have been unevenly distributed.


Mega projects like dam construction, mining, setting up Industries have caused displacement of large number of people.

Displacement results in loss of livelihood, poverty, loss of tradition and culture.

Displaced people have loss of their traditional skills/occupations and forced into poverty (rural/urban). 

Displacement have led to struggle in many countries.

Such cost of development have not always been accepted passively.

Narmada Bachao Andolan is one such movement in India against Sardar Sarovar Dam construction.

Supporters of the dam hails it for benefits like electricity generation, irrigation facilities to many areas, and provide potable water to desert areas of Kutch and Saurashtra.

Opponents of the dams are protesting against it for displacement of almost a million people, most of them being tribal and Dalit communities, who will lose their livelihood.

Some argue the ecological cost of this dam.


Development is leading to high level environmental degradation, forcing displacement of people and various other consequences.

Global warming caused by emission of Green House Gases is leading to melting of glaciers in Arctic and Antarctic causing floods and submergence of low-lying areas like Bangladesh and Maldives.

Tsunami of 2004 in South and South-East Asia was resultant of destruction of mangroves and building of commercial enterprise along the coast line.

In long run ecological crisis adversely affects all of us, like Air Pollution.

In short term the adverse effects are largely faced by under-privileged.

Loss of forest affect the poor who rely on it for subsistence, medicinal herbs, firewood or food.

Drying up of water bodies, fall in ground water level forces many women in different parts of world to walk longer in order to procure water.

Development model of world is heavily reliant on use of non-renewable sources for energy generation like Coal, Petroleum.

In Amazon rainforest and globally deforestation is on rise to provide for the increased consumer needs.

The finite nature of resources is not enough for the greed of humans. 

Assessing Development

Development despite these adverse impacts have also some success in rate of economic growth and reducing poverty.

At the same time, it must be kept in mind that inequality have not been significantly reduced.

Countries globally are seeing widening gap between rich and poor.

Many countries are seeing high growth rates but is not getting translated into fair distribution of benefits.

Development is started to be seen in broader sense. Excessive focus on economic growth has given rise to widened gap in society.

Development to be seen as a process to improve the quality of life of people

Alternative ways are being looked to measure the development of which one is Human Development Report presented annually by UNDP.

It is called Human Development Index which rank countries on the basis of their performance in Social Indicators like literacy and education levels, life expectancy, maternal mortality rate.

For development people should be allowed to make meaningful choices and it can be done by fulfilment of basic needs like food, education, health and shelter.

Alternative Conceptions of Development

Most countries have adopted ‘top-down’ strategy of development. This strategy states that selection of development priorities, strategies and implementation of Projects are generally decided by higher levels of Political Leadership and Bureaucracy.

Issues, opinions, knowledge and experiences of people to be affected by these projects are least consulted in this strategy.

These scenarios are visible both in democratic and dictatorial countries.

Development should be in democratic manner giving due recognition to the issues of rights, equality, freedom, and justice. 

Rights Claims

Benefits of development largely gained by the powerful with the cost of it borne by Poor and Vulnerable Section of Population.

For the protection of affected people, they also have right to be consulted, right to livelihood, and right to access the natural resources.

Natural resource is owned by humanity with claims on it being of present, past and future generations. 


In a democracy conflict over resources or paths to be development must be realized through debates by respecting the rights of all.

Everyone must be included in the process of development at the level of planning and in implementing it.

There is difference in following a plan made by others and sharing in the formulation of the plans.

Plans made by others even with best intentions, will miss out on concerns of the locals.

Being active part of decision making is empowering.

Democracy and development concerned with realizing common good.

Empowering local decision making bodies, increasing their power and resources, involving them at planning and implementation levels and directing resources towards their needs.

Top-down model, see people as objects of development.

Decentralised model, assures development in creative manner using various kind of technologies both in traditional and modern.

Development and Lifestyle

Need to move away from the high cost, ecologically wasteful, technology driven notion of development.

Development to be defined by the quality of life enjoyed by people in terms of happiness and harmony and satisfaction of essential needs.

Conserve natural resource and use renewable sources of energy. Ex: rain-water harvesting, solar and bio-gas plants, micro-hydel projects, compost pits to generate manure out of organic waste.

These activities to take place at local level and involvement of people.

Use of non-renewable sources of energy should be minimized and alternative of energy should be promoted.

These policies can be successful only with a high degree of co-operation between government and people across countries.

Development must be seen as enhancing one’s freedom and ensuring active participation in deciding development goals.

Idea of development refers to as desire for a good life.

Multi-pronged strategy for more equitable, sustainable and democratic model of development.

Choices we make have implicit impact on others- human beings and other species in the world.

Development to be done by keeping in mind present needs and future interest and how it impact our future possibilities

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