Government strategy in relating with other Nations.

Foreign policy refers to to the sum total of principles, interests and objectives which a country promotes while interacting with other countries. The thrust of foreign policy keeps on changing according to the changing international conditions.

The foreign policy of a nation always reflects the systematic statement of its national interest along with the interaction of domestic as well as external factors of a nation.

For example, trade diplomacy sanctions foreign aid and global environmental policy.

The treat policy is the way the United States interact with other countries to ease the flow of commerce and goods and services between the countries.

Foreign policy of India is based on the principles of non alignment. This innovative idea of non alignment movement faced challenges from the other countries.

India's conflict with neighbours lead to three words in 1960-65 and 72.

India's external relations had its impact on politics too.


1. Principles of foreign policy-
2. India's changing relation with other Nations: US, Russia, China and Israel.
3. India's relation with its neighbours Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, America and Russia.
4. India's nuclear programme.


The birth of India was in a very challenging world situation.

The world war and its reconstructions establishment of world body emergence of newly independent countries from colonial powers etc. Most of new countries had challenges of welfare and democracy.

All this concerns were reflected in India's foreign policy.

The problem of partition and task of poverty alleviation with the reasons for India to interfere in world affairs.

India's foreign relation was to achieve security through maintenance of peace.

Developing countries Lacked resources, so the pursuit the goal of peace and development in their neighbourhood.

As part of economic and security independence developing countries choose to support powerful countries who gave them aid and credits.

During the time of division of world into two power blocs India come off with NAM

After independence India framed its foreign policy by keeping away from alliances and this avoided international conflict.


◇ Before independence India had contact with other colonies in Asia and Africa.

◇ All countries United and struggled against colonialism and imperialism.

◇ India's foreign policy reflected its internal and external factors.

◇ Nobel ideas in India's struggle for freedom reflected in its foreign policy.


1. To promote international peace and security

2. To preserve the hard earned sovereignty.

3. To maintain just and honourable relations between Nations.

4. To protect territorial integrity 

5. To promote rapid economic development...

6. Foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organised people with one another.







The founder of India's foreign policy, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru  gave utmost importance to world peace. He understood the relation between peace and development and survival of mankind.

■ Indian policy makers realized the value of global peace, social and economic development. Without that India was likely to be pushed to the background.

■ India wanted a peaceful and friendly relations with all countries, especially the big powers and the neighboring nations.

■ India signed a peace agreement  with China. There were five main principles called Panchasheel which were signed on 28th April,  1954.

■ since then Panchasheel has become a guiding principle of India bilateral relations with countries.

■ FIVE principles of foreign policy which are known as Panchasheel are as follows-

1. Mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

2. NON aggression against each other.

3. NON interference in each other's internal affairs.

4. Equality and mutual benefits 

5. Peaceful coexistence.

These principles of Panchasheel were later incorporated in the Bandung declaration, signed in the Afro Asian conference held in 1955 in Indonesia.

They are the core principles of non alignment and still guide the conduct of india's foreign policy.

They are the main principles of the non alignment movement (NAM) and still guide the conduct of India's foreign policy.


The most important  feature of India's foreign policy  is NON alignment. 

This policy of non alignment tried to reduce cold war tensions and contribute human resources for peacekeeping operations of UN.

Non aligned movement wanted to keep away from the military alliances lead by us and Soviet Union against each other.

India lead the world protest against this new colonial invasion.

India did not take an independent stand on various international issues and could get age and assistance from members of both the blocks. Pakistan join the US military alliances. The US was not happy after India's independent initiative and the policy of non alignment.

The US also presented India's growing partnership with the Soviet Union.

Nehru invisible just a major role for India in world affairs and specially in Asian affairs.

Throughout the 1940 and 1950 Nehru had been an ardent advocate of Asian unity.

India made earnest efforts for the early realisation of freedom of Indonesia from the Dutch colonial resigned by conveying and international conference in 1949 to support its freedom struggle.

The afro Asian conference held in the Indonesian city of bangdown in 1959 commonly known as the bandam conference..

This marked the genet of India's engagement with the newly independent Asian and African Nations.

The band and conference letter led to the establishment of nam.


The prominent leaders of India's freedom movement had good and friendly relations with the United States which continued after independence from the United Kingdom in 1947.

Indian foreign policy health adapted to the unipolar world and developed closer ties with the United States.

Under the administration of President George w bush 2001 to 2009 and Barack Obama 2009 217 the United States has demonstrated accommodations to India's main national interest and acknowledged outstanding concerns.

It increased bilateral trade and investment cooperation on global security matters inclusion of India in decision making on matters of global governance United Nations security Council.

In 2016 India and us has signed the logistic exchange memorandum of agreement and India was declared a major defence partner of the United States.

The Indo Russian strategic partnership has been built on the basis of five major components political defence civil nuclear energy anti terrorism cooperation and space.

Highway in recent years a six economy components have been developed with both the country setting a target of reaching 30 billion dollar in bilateral trade by 2025.

In order to achieve this goal both countries are looking to develop a free trade agreement. Both India and Russia are members of mini international bodies where they collaborate closely on matters of shared National interest. Indian is the second largest market for the Russian defence industry.

Russian considers as one of their top five friends with the other being Belarus China Kazakhstan and syria.


Friendly relation of the independence
Panchsheel five principles of peaceful coexistence between John in lie and Nehru

But very soon the relation became worse and due to Tibet issue.

China and Tibet in 1950 and thus removed a historical buffer between the two countries.

The Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama sought and obtained political Asylum in India in 1959.

China elect bad the Government of India was allowing NT China activities to take place from within India.

A little earlier a boundary dispute has had suffered between India and China.

The main dispute was about the Western and eastern end of the long broader. China claimed to areas within the Indian territory
Akashi chin area in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir and much more of the state of Arunachal Pradesh in what was then called n e f North eastern Frontier agency.

Between 1957 and 59 the Chinese occupied the ASCII change area and built a strategic road there despite a very long correspondence and discussion amount of leaders this differences could not be resolved.

Several small border s k i r m i s h e s between the armies of the two countries to place.

China launched its fifth and massive invasion in October 1962 onboard the disputed reasons.

The first attack last date 1 week and Chinese force is captured some keys area in Arunachal Pradesh.

The second wave of attack came next month while the Indian forces could block the Chinese advances on the Western front in Ladakh in the east the Chinese managed to advance nearly to the entry point of Assam plains.

Finally China declared a unilateral ceasefire and its troops with you to where they were before the invasion begin.

India China his wishes 2020
Since may 2020 Indian and Chinese troops started confusion files a regular files and Sino Indian border.

Chinese forces objected construction of road in the Gulf one river valley the fight India versus China resulted the death of 20 Indian soldiers

Media reported soldiers from both sides were captured as captives.

On 30 July Chinese ambassadors said China fee was not clarifying l a c but Indian army decided to continue their forces for military action in borders.

Both India and China maintained bilateral mechanism to resolve the situation through diplomacy.

Indian official said that border tensions will not affect the treat but still campaigns to Boycott the Chinese products.


Indian Israel relations have a wide array of economic technological and strategic partnership.

In 2006 both countries agriculture ministers signed a memorandum of understanding leading to the Indo Israel agriculture project which focused on increasing India's agricultural productivity and water use efficiency.

Bilateral trade has also increased from $ 200 million in 1992 $ 5.84 Billion in 2018.

The most significant facet in of Indian Israel relations is strong security defence cooperation. The foundations of this cooperation will lead long before 1990 to 2000 Sino Indian war of 1962.

The then Israel prime minister David ben-gurion expressed his fullest sympathy and understanding and supplied weapons to India on the request of Prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

India used Israel weapons during the India-Pakistan was of 1965 and 1971 since the early days of its establishment in 1968 the research and analysis wing of India has also maintained close relations with israel's mossad.

Israel has placed Russia as India's preferred weapon supplier during the Kargil war in 1999 it supplied the Indian army forces sophisticated you UAVs and surveillance system

Israel also upgraded India's old and aging Soviet Era mig 21 fighter jets and supplied laser guided bombs and 160 mm mortar shells.

India is also the biggest buyer of Israel weapons buying 46% of Israel exports.

India and Israel are part of the joint working groups on counter terrorism and have signed agreements on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters corporation in homeland security and protection of classified material and cybersecurity every year India police service trains visits the Israel National police academy for training.

The Indian border security forces uses Israel developed smart fencing systems Rader and surveillance technology in the volatile Kashmir valley.

In the middle East of the covid-19 Indian ministry of defence and its Israel counterpart are also collaborating on developing a rapid testing system and Israel delegation collected 20000 samples from Indian covid-19 patients in early August 2020
True story girl and cultural ties between India and Israel have gone back from x in memorial diplomatic relations formally developed between the two years after the opening of Israel embassy in India in 1992.

After the establishment of formal diplomatic relations the relations between the two countries started gaining from mens in 1996 and 1998 onwards relations between the two democratic Nations for the intensified with the visit of the two heads of government Prime minister Narendra Modi to Israel in 2017 and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to India in 2018.

The two Nations have started cooperation in various fields like cultural exchange security and defence counterterrorism space research water and energy and agriculture development.....


HISTORICAL BUFFER- means any territory which lay between the two rival countries as the shield. Tibet was considered as historical buffer between India and China.

Tashkent agreement-

It was signed between Indian Pakistan after the war of 1965 at tanskent in USSR. Both countries affirmed the need for negotiated peaceful settlement of disputes.

Shimla agreement-

It was signed between Indian Pakistan after the war of 1971 between Indira Gandhi and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1972.

Rule out the intervention of third parties in any bilateral disputes

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