Development refers to positive growth or change in the economical social and political aspects of a country.

The main purpose of development or progress is to find different ways to achieve what you have thought.

Characteristics of development are**

■ different peoples can have different developmental goals.

what may be development for one may not be development for the other. It can be destructive for the other.
People tend to look at a mix of goals for their development.

Income and other developmental goals***

Important goals that individual seeks to achieve-
money, incentives, own house, car, etc (materialistic need)

friendship, respect, security, equal    treatment (non-materialistic need)


★ It refers to the ability of a country to improve the lives of its citizens. 

★ It can be done by improving the standard of living by providing social amenities such as quality education, potable water, transportation, infrastructure, and medical care.

How to compare different countries??

 For comparing countries, their income is considered to be one of the most important attributes.

What is the income of the country?? 

The income of the country is the income of all the residents of the country. This gives as the total income of the country.

 The total income of the countries is not used to make a comparison between them because the populations of different countries are different.

What is average income?

Average income is the total income of the country divided by its total population. The average income is also called as per capita income.

In world development reports, brought out by the World bank used this criterion to classifying countries. All countries of the world divided into three categories based on their per capita income-

1. Rich countries or developed countries having the US $12.056 per annum.(High income countries).eg- USA, GREAT BRITAIN,FRANCE, JAPAN

2. low-income countries or underdeveloped countries having the US $955 Per annum.(low income countries).eg- Bangladesh, Somalia

**"India comes in the category of low middle-income countries because its per capita income in 2017 was just US$ 1820 per annum.

Although average income is useful for comparison but it does not tell us how this income is distributed among people.

 Per capita income as an indicator of development is used by the World bank suffers from many limitations which are as follows.

1. national income is estimated in a domestic currency of each country and estimated is converted into dollar at the current rate of exchange such a conversion does not tell us anything about the purchasing power of each currency.

2.per capita income is affected by the size of the population of a country. Thus, countries with a large population per capita income will be low despite having a large national income.

3. similarly a country having a smaller population will have a higher per capita income even if it does not have a large national income.

4. per capita income does not tell us anything about the distribution of income in the country.

5. per capita income does not tell us anything about the availability of various services and facilities that influence the quality of life, even the countries with high per capita income or not able to provide their people the quality of life they deserve. They lack good health facilities sanitization etc.


 It is the tool developed by the United Nations to measure countries overall achievement on its social and economic dimensions.

Human development report published by United nation development program to compares countries based on the educational levels of the people, their health status, and per capita income.

KNOWLEDGE (educational level)- it is measured in terms of literary rate and net attendence ration at three levels of schools.

Longevity ( health status)- it is measured in terms of life expectancy at birth.

Decent standard of living- it is measured in terms of per capita income.



it is the total number of females per thousand males in a country is termed as the sex ratio.

🄸🄽🄵🄰🄽🅃 🄼🄾🅁🅃🄰🄻🄸🅃🅈 🅁🄰🅃🄴   The number of children that die before the age of one year as a proportion of 1000 live children born in that particular.


 Measures the proportion of the literate population in the 7 and above age group.


 the total number of children of age group 14 and 15 years who attending school as a percentage of total numbers of children in the same age group.



It refers to the economic development which does not damage environment and at the same time take care of the needs of the future generations is called sustainable development.

It is an important factor for the development of a country.

Renewable Resources**

These can be used again and again and these resources can be reproduced by physical-chemical and mechanical processes.

 Example- groundwater solar energy wind energy effect.

Non-Renewale Resources**

Those resources which are used only for a limited time. These energy resources get exhausted after years of use. These resources occur over a very long ecological time and take millions of years in their formation. 

Example crude oil and coal.

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I hope the given notes of social studies of class-10, chapter-1; will help you. 

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